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Couples Counseling

Click here for Part 1 Couples Counseling: The Art of the Timeout – Part 2 Recognize The Need and Take It Many times over the years, I have explained how…

Couples Counseling: The Art of the Timeout Part 1 Sometimes adults need timeouts, too. When an argument becomes unproductive, a timeout provides a structured exit from the escalating confrontation. The…

Much of my practice is oriented towards helping couples. One of the occupational hazards of this kind of work is dealing with the ugliness of affairs. These choices spare no…

When there are problems in how a couple resolves conflicts in their relationship, a common feature of the argument is that one partner follows the other when the “followee” is…

While engaging in couples counseling I work with a lot of couples whose relationships have been threatened by infidelity. Many of these affairs can be linked back to Facebook. Naturally,…