How does counseling work?
Counseling can help you understand and address your problems and concerns. It can teach you specific emotional and relational skills, and can help you reap more satisfaction from your work and your relationships. A counselor’s office can be a sanctuary where you are free to express private thoughts and struggles. Friends and family can provide excellent emotional support, but a counselor can give you a trained, and more impartial, perspective on your life.
Will counseling help me?
While we can’t promise that counseling will help everyone, many studies have shown the effectiveness of therapy in improving quality of life. A landmark 1995 Consumer Reports study concluded that a clear majority of people substantially benefit from counseling.
How long will it take?
Duration of treatment is influenced by a number of factors such as how severe the symptoms are and how long they have been present. Mostly, though, we find that your motivation to change and your commitment to the counseling process greatly influence the outcome. Lastly, a strong working relationship between you and your counselor is essential for the best outcome.
Ultimately, change comes at different speeds for different people. We have seen some clients profit from just a few sessions while others may need a longer-term approach to assist them through their change process. Similar to beginning an exercise program, most progress tends to occur at the start, with incremental gains experienced later on.
Will my information be kept confidential?
Confidentially is of the utmost importance and what we discuss in counseling will remain between you and your therapist. This is one of the things that makes counseling a safe place to discuss any issue. There are a few exceptions to this rule as required by law (e.g., if an individual poses a danger to themselves or others). We will discuss confidentiality in detail during the first appointment.
What therapeutic techniques will be used?
There are a variety of therapeutic techniques that can be helpful. You and your therapist will decide together which methods to use based on your specific needs. For example, interpersonal therapy techniques have been well supported in the treatment of mood disorders and relationship difficulties. Cognitive behavioral techniques can help you break out of self-defeating habits. If you are trying to make a change to long-standing habits, psychodynamic approaches can be quite helpful.
How much does counseling cost?
The cost of counseling varies depending on several factors. For those without private insurance or those who prefer greater privacy without involving their insurance company, Focus Forward offers a private pay system that’s structured to help make counseling affordable for a wide range of people. Fees range from $130-$175 per session depending on your therapist’s license and experience. Insurance co-pay amounts commonly range from $25 – $60 per session. Deductible based plans typically cost between $65 and $130 per session as set by your insurance company’s fee schedule, until your annual deductible or out of pocket maximum is met. Please call for more details.